The Fool and His Money Wiki

The "J" letters on The Completed Moon's Map correspond to a series of related puzzles. Each puzzle references one of the following bewitchments:

  • Jurchik Junction
  • Jeckel Junction
  • Jasper Junction
  • Jost Junction

Each of these puzzles is solved using the same method:

  1. Select one of the "J" letter tiles on The Moon's Map. This will display the letters of the character's name on the screen. Click the link at the bottom of the map, which will take you to the screen for that particular bewitchment.
  2. Read the story and determine a set of letters that must be added to the character's name on the Moon's Map to "Commence the Transformation". Once the name is unjumbled, click the link at the bottom of the map again to return to the screen for that particular bewitchment.
  3. The "help" menu will state "Gather the middle letters to spell one word". Note: no physical actions can actually be taken on the puzzle screen, so this is more of a pen and paper puzzle (for now). As instructed, unscramble a word using only the middle letters of each word displayed on the screen. Return to the Moon's Map.
  4. The character tile will now contain a cryptogram. Typing letters implies the solution will be an 11-letter word. The solution is the word that was determined in the step above.

Once each of the 4 cryptograms are solved, they will reveal a clue to solving the name of one of the Seventeen. Use these clues, along with the hints Buckbee provides, and enter the name of one of the Seventeen into the "Buckbee" Puzzle on the Moon's Map.

The Moon's Map "J" Puzzles Spoiler
