The Fool and His Money Wiki

To solve the large 8x8 grids on the map screen, memorize or write down the exact path the pink square takes and trace it by clicking each square one by one.

To solve the small 4x4 letter grids on the puzzle screen, memorize or write down the paths of the 4 smaller grids on the map screen (note which squares begin each of the 4 paths). Then, each path must be clicked on the letter grid in the puzzle screen, in order, with no mistakes. You will know you are on the correct path if a clicked letter inverts color and makes a lower pitched dound.


  • Name letters: "Ellysha avoided the alley". "ELLYSHA" minus "ALLEY" leaves "SH". Return to The Moon's Map and enter "SH" after "GLISTON". Unscramble the new word: "SLINGSHOT".
  • Puzzle screen: Solving the grid leaves the following letters: "SL".


  • Name letters: "Wheatley squandered his wealth". "WHEATLEY" minus "WEALTH" leaves "EY". Return to The Moon's Map and enter "EY" after "GRANVILLE". Unscramble the new word: "REVEALINGLY".
  • Puzzle screen: Solving the grid leaves the following letters: "FZ".


  • Name letters: "Periphetes is allergic to thrips. Pindarus never said". "PERIPHETES" minus "THRIPS" leaves "PEEE", and "PINDARUS" minus "SAID" leaves "PRUN". Return to The Moon's Map and enter "PEEE" after "GIRD". Unscramble the new word: "PEDIGREE". Enter "PRUN" after "WOOD". Unscramble the new word: "DOWNPOUR".
  • Puzzle screen: Solving the grid leaves the following letters: "FM".


  • Name letters: "Odwulf released her owl". "ODWULF" minus "OWL" leaves "DUF". Return to The Moon's Map and enter "DUF" after "GARRISON". Unscramble the new word: "FAIRGROUNDS".
  • Puzzle screen: Solving the grid leaves the following letters: "CF".

Final Steps

The letters that remain after solving the 4 grids are "SL", "FZ", "FM" and "CF". However, these do not spell a name, nor can they be unscrambled to form a name. The secret is to analyze the clues for each of the names in the "Buckbee" Puzzle on the Moon's Map. By process of elimination in filling in the other names, one of the final remaining columns stands out with the following clue: "He is Saxon and steps one letter backward". If we take this literally and transpose each of the solution letters backward by one step, we end up with "RK", "EY", "EL" and "BE", which can be put together as "BERKELEY". Enter this as name #15 in the "Buckbee" Puzzle on the Moon's Map.
